I wondered, looking at the name of this place, whether or not it is Caesar's Palace / Pizza, like the casino, or Caesar's / Palace Pizza, like Ruth's Chris Steak House. There's no way to tell, really, but I imagine it's the latter and someone was trying to cash in on the street cred of Palace Pizza in Inwood by naming their spot something similar.
Either way! Me and Carrie-Anne got a slice of pizza here. It was $2.75, and didn't smell nearly as good as World Famous before it, but it tasted much better.

My first bite of this slice inexplicably tasted like Cheetos. Go figure. No future bites tasted remotely snack-foodish, and instead just tasted like decent pizza. This slice had GREAT ratios, was decently cooked and had delicious sauce. The dough, however, was BLAND, leaving the crust totally flavorless, and the cheese wasn't so good, a problem which was exacerbated by the fact that there was too much of it.
The best thing about eating pizza here was when Scott and Rudi came loping in and sat at our table and both started talking really fast about a bunch of crap. Those two are some of my favorite people on the planet.
Caesar's Palace Pizza
493 Amsterdam Ave
New York, NY 10024
New York, NY 10024
Describing Scott's walk as "loping" is beyond accurate.
ReplyDeleteThat's chek275 to you! I've been a fan since day 1. So maybe I overreacted to your poop post. Just that Mama always said "Don't poop where you eat". She also said "There'll be days like this." So, I'll humbly accenpt my scolding from your minions.
And for the guy who told me I should skip the post if I don't want to read it, how do I know to skip it if I don't read it?
Hey, Chek!
ReplyDeleteI was just busting chops. Glad to see your a good sport. I would hate for my brusque and surly demeanor to alienate my readership.
Give me a shout one day when you're in the Bronx. (I live near Gino and Gary's, formerly just Gino's till Gary weasled his way in there)at the end of the 4 train, which you mentioned early on in your introduction). We'll grab a slice.