Monday, October 4, 2010

Weekend Recap!

In lieu of a real update, since I have been super busy all day and am about to go start a new job (hopefull, cross your fingers for me), I will link you to a blog post by "Famous" Brooklyn author Richard Grayson, from his blog Who Will Kiss The Pig, which rather charmingly discusses the opening moments of Saturday's event. Check it out here.

And then I am going to link some pictures taken by my friend Konstantin of the latter portion of the evening.

Scott Youth's "Breakfast Delight," and it was delightful.

Our "celebrity" judges (from left to right): Mama Celeste and Papa John, Monsieur Ferpu, the feral pussy, and myself.

That disgusting looking pizza was actually delicious.

A contemplative moment for the Slice Harvester and Monsieur Ferpu.

Sarah B's Arco Iris Delight, winner of Sweetest Pizza, with Skittle pepperonis and what tasted like melted Jolly Rancher sauce.

The Hungry Judges.

James Spruill's S'more Pie which was delicious and a major contender for Sweetest Pizza.

Johnny Coast, Slice Harvester's Vanna White, holding up "The Reuben Pizza," winner of Weirdest Ingredients, which featured a pile of potato chips and pickles on top and homemade sauer kraut!

Smo's "Pizza of the Ooze," winner of Weirdest Looking, being chowed on my the ravenous masses.

Pictured in blue plaid, Scott Youth, winner of Best Savory Pizza for his "Breakfast Delight" pie featuring homemade sausage!

The inimitable Bill Cashman

And then I'm going to run out my door or else I'll be late! Back to the pizza tomorrow.


  1. Scott Yute! We miss him.

    ps your pizza party/contest looks like a swell time

  2. Woah! Your website rules!

    And do we know each other? I have spent a lot of time in Chattanooga.

  3. I have long been a fan of your natural flair for disguise.


  4. I do think we've met, maybe seen in passing? I got your zine from Paulie who moved here last year.

    Drop me a line next time you're in town...we'll have a pizza party.
