A sample rating:

Ratings will be given for all future reviews and I'll slowly try and go through the backstock and add ratings to those ones, for easy categorization.
In other news, my buddy Garritt, who was around for the genesis of Slice Harvester, as those of you who have read the first zine (available for $3ppd, well concealed cash to Slice Harvester / 442D Lorimer St #230 / Brooklyn, NY 11206, or $4ppd through paypal to sliceharvester@gmail.com) will know, has a broken collarbone and since We Are The Punks, there is a benefit show for him. Mostly what happened is that I am doing one of his jobs for him while he is laid up and I felt really horrible that his misfortune was my windfall, so I put this show together for this coming Friday, it should be GREAT. It's at 9pm sharp on April 16th. Tommy's Tavern, which is at 1041 Manhattan Ave in pastoral Greenpoint, Brooklyn. It costs $5-$10 suggested donation. Below is a scan of the beautiful flier that Caroline Paquita made and there will be copies of it on sale for a measly buck at the show and that money will go to Garritt as well. Think about it! Affordable art for your house, supporting a rad dude on the homefront. What could be better?
Remember: Fuck Lynyrd Skynyrd. Fuck your negative attitude. We are the punks.

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